Friday, February 13, 2009

Progress So Far

Well, I had my 31 week appointment this afternoon. Everything is going great. I measured right where I am supposed to, and the heartbeat was right where it needs to be.

My ribs are starting to get sore, since she is getting bigger and beginning to fill them out, but it is worth it. She kick and wiggles all day long it is wonderful. I just wish she would keep her feet out of my ribs. I love when i push on her and she reacts, it make everything so real.

Dane is getting excited and can't wait to meet our girl. We are officially in the "safe zone" to deliver at home in 5 weeks and 2 days! It is crazy, the time has flown by. Dane is so great he is really excited about the birth, he has even read a couple of books that I asked him to. I thank God everyday for such an awesome husband that I know is going to be a great dad.

We are taking a parenting class at church. It is called Effective Parenting in a Defective World, by Chip Ingram. It is great. We are the only people that don't have a kids yet, but I think it is better to start early before we make all the mistakes! Our teacher also bring some sort of chocolate dessert with her each weeks, which make the class even better.

Our birth classes have also started. We are half way through and so far so good. The class is being taught by a local doula and there are 4 other couples. All of us are doing home births with my midwife Christine, except one who is going to a birthing center. It is great to learn how natural child birth can be if you let it. Our bodies know just what they are doing. Having a baby isn't a medical procedure or illness as it is so often treated today.

I have just started having Braxton Hicks contractions, so far I havn't been able to feel them at all. All I notice is my stomach tightening up into a little ball and then relaxing about 30 seconds later. Hopefully they are a reflection of how my contractions during labor will be.

I hope you enjoyed my pregnancy update. 32 week belly pictures will be coming on either Sunday or Monday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am so excited for you. YAY for healthy baby and healthy mama. I have to admit I am more than a little jealous that are getting to experience my dream home-birthing experience before I do...this is something I didn't know we had in common. I am so excited for you none-the-less. :)